Monday, February 20, 2012


This week-end Aruba presented its 58th edition of its carnaval. Aruba boasts one of the best Carnaval in the world, after Brazil's and Trinidad and Tobago. It is the opportunity for people to celebrate and express themselves in a very creative manner.

The season technically starts on November 11 @ 11:11:11am. (this season with a special 11/11/11 @ 11:11:11am) of the previous year, but festivities really start right after new year on the 1st week of January.

There are quite a few different events through the carnaval season, but it all culminates in the final two big bang week-ends including the lighting parades in San Nicolaas and Oranjestad, the children's parades in San Nicolaas and playa (aka Oranjestad), the Jouvert morning in San Nicolaas, the grand parade in San Nicolaas and playa and the burning of the King Momo in Oranjestad. The latter is the symbolic "ritual" that signifies the end of the Carnaval season.

Carnaval was brought to Aruba by immigrants who were attracted by labor opportunities offered by the Exxon refinery (Lago). Many of these immigrants came from the Northern Caribbean island such as Trinidad and Tobago. This all happened during the 20's, 30's and 40's. So, it did start in San Nicolaas. It was 'imported ' to playa by the Aruba Tivoli Club. Together with other prominent social clubs and groups, carnaval grew into the show it is today. Tivoli introduced the now famous lighting parade in the 70's.

TIP: the best spot to enjoy the carnaval is close to the beginning of the parade. Any spot on "Vondellaan"..up to the beginning of L.G. Smith Blvd and not any further then The Talk of The Town (by the roundabout). Let's just say that it gets a bit too hectic after that.

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